Yayasan Tifa sedang mencari konsultan untuk melakukan Evaluasi Tahunan Tahap II Proyek Integral Security Resources Hub (ISRH) 2024. Konsultan akan mengevaluasi inisiatif pembangunan jaringan, penyediaan dana fleksibel, dan praktik terbaik/unggulan yang bertujuan untuk mendorong perlindungan keselamatan bagi pembela Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) di Indonesia. Tentang Program:Evaluasi ini berfokus pada menilai efektivitas, efisiensi, dan dampak jaringan…Continue reading Konsultan: Evaluator Proyek Tahap II Integral Security Resources Hub (ISRH) 2024
Guidelines for the Protection of Environmental Human Rights Defenders
Yayasan Pusaka Bentala Rakyat and Tifa Foundation consider a protection guide for environmental human rights defenders to be an urgent need. This guidebook is expected to strengthen and increase the capacity of indigenous and local communities in their advocacy efforts to secure and protect their land rights, rights to livelihoods, rights to the environment, as well as the right to participate in determining development in their living areas.