Fadhli Rahim, a civil servant from Gowa district, South Sulawesi, has been charged under the ITE Law for his remarks in a LINE group. Fadhli was proven to have deliberately issued words that defamed the regent of Gowa Ichsan Yasin Limpo. Fadhli has also been proven to intentionally transmit and distribute the statement to the LINE group so that it can be read and accessed by other group residents. Elsewhere, ...Continue reading Revision of ITE Law: Chasing legislative targets?
Press Release Rejecting the Suppression of Democracy
Recently, actions to limit expression and opinion have become more frequent. These actions are generally carried out through prohibition, dispersal, intimidation, and even arrest. Various community groups have also made statements condemning these actions that are considered to share militarism and anti-democracy. Check out this release* from Gema Demokrasi, a partner of TIFA Foundation. *The contents of this press release are the views of partners and networks...Continue reading Press Release Rejecting the Suppression of Democracy