Penulis: Debora Irene Christine, Project Manager for Data Policy and Governance Yayasan Tifa dan Shita Laksmi, Direktur Eksekutif Yayasan Tifa Share this… Facebook 0 Pinterest 0 Twitter Linkedin 0 Whatsapp Email Line
Two Years of Pandemic: Reflections on Covid-19 Handling Policies in Indonesia
Since the first case of Covid-19 was found in Indonesia on March 2, 2020, the outbreak has forced the government to change its development plans. ...Continue reading Two Years of Pandemic: Reflections on Covid-19 Handling Policy in Indonesia
Continuous Personal Data Leaks: Where are the Mechanisms and Implementation of Personal Data Process Accountability?
On Wednesday, May 12, 2021, an account on Raid Forums with the username Kotz released 240 MB of sample personal data from one million Indonesians. The data is claimed to come from population data stored by BPJS Kesehatan. This case only became public on Thursday, May 20, 2021 with an estimated total data leak of 279 million Indonesian residents' data, which was also sold on Raid Forums....Continuereading Continuous Personal Data Leaks: Where are the Mechanisms and Implementation of Personal Data Process Accountability?
Truth Telling from "Below": Indonesia Trauma Testimony Project
Truth Telling and Collective Memory of the 1965 Mass Violence The events of the 1965 mass violence are a dark part of Indonesian history. The struggle for power under the pretext of eradicating communism claimed many victims from civil society. They were arrested, exiled without due process, even raped and murdered-without any judicial process to date. On the other hand, the state issued policies...Continue reading Revealing the Truth from "Below": Indonesia Trauma Testimony Project
Encouraging Community-Based Development Evaluation
The process and mechanism of community involvement in development in Indonesia has been relatively exclusive to the planning aspect. This can be seen from the official participation forums available today. We are familiar with the term Musrenbang (Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan), which is conducted at various levels of government from dusun, village, sub-district to the national level. Musrenbang is an important process ...Continue reading Encouraging Community-Based Development Evaluation The ...